a set of earring jewelleries with a white female statue

Jewellery Care

  1. Wear your jewellery often if possible as your skin's natural oils will help keep the jewellery shiny and prevent them from tarnishing.
  2. Try to avoid getting your jewellery in direct contact with any chemicals. So wear your jewellery after putting on hair products, make-up and perfume.
  3. Don't swim with them. DRY SILVER IS HAPPY SILVER
  4. If needed, Jewellery can be given an extra cleaning with a jewellery polishing cloth. If it needs cleaning, wash gently with warm, soapy water or use baking soda and water. Make a paste, apply a small amount onto a cloth or soft toothbrush and scrub gently. Rinse jewellery and pat dry.
  5. Store the jewellery somewhere cool, dark and moist free place.